When you’re looking to host your website or web application, it’s important to choose the right location. The faster your servers, the less lag time there will be between when you request information and when your visitor sees it. To get the most out of your website. You want to ensure you’re choosing Germany Dedicated Server Hosting in Germany which has the fastest servers available. Onlive Server can provide to you at an affordable rate that works with any budget.
Why choose Germany Dedicated Server
We provide a wide range of Germany Dedicated Server at a very affordable rate. Our dedicated server hosting plans are cost-effective, private, and highly secure. Choosing our services will give you an opportunity to run your websites in a better way. We will help you achieve much higher site performance than cloud hosting or shared web hosting providers can offer. Your website has to deliver faster page load speeds for better user experience and SEO rankings; it’s important to use Germany dedicated server as they work exceptionally well for higher end hardware applications such as content creation sites; eCommerce stores etc.

Germany has a strict data protection law that guarantees customer privacy. The country is also known for its highly secured internet servers. Germany has a world-class infrastructure and highly skilled information technology specialists. You can be assured of high-speed connectivity. Besides, there are several other reasons to choose our Germany dedicated server hosting plans including.
Dedicated Server Features
We offer high-quality Germany Dedicated Server Hosting at a very affordable rate. Our dedicated server hosting plans are cost-effective, private, and highly secure. Each plan features a wide range of bandwidth options. We also provide 24×7 monitoring with immediate alerting through SMS and email when issues arise. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service with all German-speaking staff available for your support questions 24/7/365.
Uptime guaranteed
At Onlive Server, we do everything in our power to keep our servers up and running. We also offer an uptime guarantee for all our dedicated server hosting plans as well. Anytime your site goes down due to a problem on our end, we will credit your account with one day of free service! If a third party is at fault for bringing it down. If your site or service is unexpectedly then you won’t be charged a dime.
One of our top priorities is uptime. Because of that, we offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee for all our customers with Germany Dedicated Servers. If there’s an unexpected problem in your server or network that causes downtime on your site or system, you won’t be charged for it. In fact, if you ever have a problem like that we will proactively work with you. Get it resolved as quickly as possible so you can get back to business.
Dedicated vs Shared Linux Webhosting
Perhaps you’re considering moving from a shared hosting environment to a dedicated server. However, there are several things to consider before jumping ship. While a dedicated server offers more control over your site and allows for greater scalability (you can grow your business as much as you want). It also means having to manage, your own website and often comes with added costs such as increased hosting fees, bandwidth charges, network administration responsibilities, and more. Before purchasing a Germany Dedicated Server or making any major changes to your business hosting setup; make sure you have considered all of these factors first. Here are some questions to ask yourself.
If you’re looking for performance overprice and don’t mind being a little more hands-on with your hosting needs, then a Dedicated is probably your best bet. These cloud servers can be configured to work however you want them to. But what if you’re on a budget? In that case, Shared Webhosting is perfect for getting started quickly without a big upfront investment. Plus, it gives you access to simple server management tools like cPanel & Softaculous so installation of software like WordPress is easy and breezy! Just choose from either Cloud/Dedicated Servers or Windows/Linux Webhosting below
The hosting industry has changed dramatically over recent years. The web has become a very competitive place with every new business fighting for its share of customers. Germany Dedicated Server Hosting Plans are in high demand these days as everyone wants a fast and robust server. Germany Dedicated Server Hosting is a high-end computing server that is fully dedicated to a single website or application. Many smaller players have been forced out or consolidated as they can no longer compete. With larger operations who can pay more for faster internet connectivity and so on? More people are looking to cloud technology because. It offers some great features such as scalability, less overhead costs, and greater flexibility.